Introduction to Quantum Computing and FiQCI 2nd Ed.

25-26 November: Two-day introductory course on quantum computers and the basic quantum algorithms that control them.
Upcoming and past events with connection to FiQCI
25-26 November: Two-day introductory course on quantum computers and the basic quantum algorithms that control them.
23 September : Come and learn the basics of quantum circuit-knitting, followed by a discussion on circuit-knitting and applications, for example, on parallel...
3 July: Quantum computing and FiQCI hands-on introduction at the annual HPC Summer School in Nuuksio, Finland.
3-4 June: Two-day introductory course on quantum computers and the basic quantum algorithms that control them.
23 Apr: Impact and collaboration in practice, including an introduction to the FiQCI research infrastructure.
16 Apr: In Finnish. Prof. Tapio Ala-Nissilän luento Luonnonfilosofian seuran tilaisuudessa.
12 Apr: FiQCI booth at the Resonate event organised by Jyväskylä University in celebration of World Quantum Day.
28 Nov: PennyLane is an open-source software framework for quantum machine learning, quantum chemistry, and quantum computing.
25-27 Oct: Co-organised by ENCCS, Wallenberg Centre of Quantum Technologies, and NordIQuEst, utilising also FiQCI infrastructure.
10 Oct: Basic ideas behind digital twins of the Earth and quantum computing, and discussion on the possibility of a common future of the two.
5 July: Quantum computing and FiQCI hands-on introduction at the annual HPC Summer School in Nuuksio, Finland.
28 Nov-1 Dec: 36th Helsinki Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry.
11 May: Join the discussion on the possibilities of quantum computing in general, and FiQCI in particular.
31 Mar: Tampere University Physics Seminar series presentation.
20 Jan: In Finnish. Ohjelmassa mm.: Millaisia ongelmia kvanttilaskennalla voidaan ratkaista?
2-3 June: 2-day basic course on quantum computers and the algorithms that control them.
12 May: In Finnish. Miten kubitti voi olla 0 ja 1 samanaikaisesti? Mitä hyötyä siitä on?
11 May: How can qubits be zero and one at the same time, and what is it good for?
14-15 Dec: 2-day basic course on quantum computers and the algorithms that control them.
30 Nov-1 Dec: 2-day basic course on quantum computers and the algorithms that control them.